Main Publications

Articles on procurement and contracting in the public sector

Enhancing strategic public procurement: a public service logic perspective

Andrea S Patrucco, Katri Kauppi, Carmela Di Mauro, Fredo Schotanus

Public Management Review, 2025, pp. 1-21

Design Principles for Responsible Use of AI Through Public Procurement

Ana-Maria Dimand, Kayla Schwoerer, Andrea S. Patrucco, Ilia Murtazashvili

Dan Chenok, Michael J. Keegan, Transforming the Business of Government - Insights on Resiliency, Innovation, and Performance, chapter 8, 1st, IBM Center for the Business of Government, 2023, pp. 112-120

Social equity in federal contracting during emergencies: A portfolio management perspective

Dimand A., Patrucco A.S., Rodriguez-Plesa E., Hiriscau A.

Public Administration Review, Wiley, 2023

A new acquisition model for the next disaster: Overcoming disaster federalism issues through effective utilization of the Strategic National Stockpile

R. Hanfield, A. S. Patrucco, Z. Wu, C. Yukins, T. Slaughter

Public Administration Review, Wiley, 2023

How can procurement create (sustainable) public value under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal?

Patrucco A.S., Dimand A., Neshkova M., M. Ceballos

Public Administration Review, Wiley, 2023

Policy-led public procurement: does strategic procurement deliver?

Christine Mary Harland, Michael Essig, Jane Lynch, Andrea Patrucco

Journal of Public Procurement, vol. 21(3), Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021, pp. 221-228

Practitioners' learning about healthcare supply chain management in the COVID-19 pandemic: a public procurement perspective

Christine Mary Harland, Louise Knight, Andrea S Patrucco, Jane Lynch, Jan Telgen, Esmee Peters, Tunde Tatrai, Petra Ferk

International Journal of Operations \& Production Management, vol. 41(13), Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021, pp. 178-189

Structuring public procurement in local governments: the effect of centralization, standardization and digitalization on performance

Andrea S Patrucco, Tommaso Agasisti, Andreas H Glas

Public performance & management review, vol. 44(3), Routledge, 2021, pp. 630-656

Implementing government policy in supply chains: an international coproduction study of public procurement

Christine Harland, Jan Telgen, Guy Callender, Rick Grimm, Andrea Patrucco

Journal of supply chain management, vol. 55(2), 2019, pp. 6-25

Organisational choices in public procurement: what can public management learn from the private sector?

Andrea S Patrucco, Antonella Moretto, Stefano Ronchi, Davide Luzzini

Local Government Studies, vol. 45(6), Routledge, 2019, pp. 977-1000

Which shape fits best? Designing the organizational form of local government procurement

Andrea Stefano Patrucco, Helen Walker, Davide Luzzini, Stefano Ronchi

Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, vol. 25(3), Pergamon, 2018, p. 100504

Designing a public procurement strategy: lessons from local governments

Andrea S Patrucco, Davide Luzzini, Stefano Ronchi, Michael Essig, Markus Amann, Andreas H Glas

Public Money & Management, vol. 37(4), Routledge, 2017, pp. 269-276

Research perspectives on public procurement: Content analysis of 14 years of publications in the journal of public procurement

Andrea Stefano Patrucco, Davide Luzzini, Stefano Ronchi

Journal of Public Procurement, vol. 17(2), Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017, pp. 229-269

Evaluating the effectiveness of public procurement performance management systems in local governments

Andrea Stefano Patrucco, Davide Luzzini, Stefano Ronchi

Local Government Studies, vol. 42(5), Routledge, 2016, pp. 739-761

Articles on supplier performance measurement and management

Measuring Performance Beyond the Company Boundaries: More a Need Than a Challenge

Vieri Maestrini, Davide Luzzini, Andrea Stefano Patrucco

Rutgers Business Review, vol. 6, Rutgers Business School, 2021, pp. 57-70

Supplier performance measurement system use, relationship trust, and performance improvement: a dyadic perspective

Vieri Maestrini, Andrea Stefano Patrucco, Davide Luzzini, Federico Caniato, Paolo Maccarrone

The International Journal of Logistics Management, vol. 32(4), Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021, pp. 1242-1263

Characteristics of supplier performance measurement systems in collaborative innovation projects: the role of the purchasing department

Andrea Patrucco, Federico Frattini, Anthony Di Benedetto

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, vol. 27(2), Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021, pp. 207-231

Articles on management of strategic supplier relationships

Behavioral Biases and Cognitive Pitfalls: Navigating Resource Orchestration in Supplier-Partnered Innovation Projects

Andrea S Patrucco, Paola Bellis, Daniel Trabucchi, Tommaso Buganza

IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 72, 2024, pp. 227-239

Sustaining commitment in preferred buyer-supplier relationships: How to retain the ‘customer of choice’ status?

Andrea S. Patrucco, Tobias Schoenherr, Antonella Moretto

International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 270(April 2024), 2024, p. 109165

Procurement organisation in project-based setting: a multiple case study of engineer-to-order companies

Antonella Moretto, Andrea S. Patrucco, Helen Walker, Stefano Ronchi

Production Planning \& Control, vol. 33(9-10), Taylor \& Francis, 2022, pp. 847-862

Managing triadic supplier relationships in collaborative innovation projects: a relational view perspective

Andrea Patrucco, Christine Mary Harland, Davide Luzzini, Federico Frattini

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, vol. 27(7), Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022, pp. 108-127

How Do Industry 4.0 Technologies Boost Collaborations in Buyer-Supplier Relationships?

Andrea Patrucco, Antonella Moretto, Daniel Trabucchi, Ruggero Golini

Research-Technology Management, vol. 65, Routledge, 2021, pp. 48-58

Does relationship control hinder relationship commitment? The role of supplier performance measurement systems in construction infrastructure projects

Andrea S Patrucco, Antonella Moretto, Louise Knight

International journal of production economics, vol. 233, Elsevier, 2021, p. 108000

Obtaining supplier commitment: antecedents and performance outcomes

Andrea S Patrucco, Antonella Moretto, Davide Luzzini, Andreas H Glas

International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 220, Elsevier, 2020, p. 107449

Attraction in buyer-supplier relationships: Improving supply network performance through purchasing recognition and proficient collaboration initiatives

Andrea S Patrucco, Davide Luzzini, Antonella Moretto, Stefano Ronchi

Business Process Management Journal, vol. 25(2), Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018, pp. 347-367

Achieving innovation through supplier collaboration: the role of the purchasing interface

Andrea Stefano Patrucco, Davide Luzzini, Stefano Ronchi

Business Process Management Journal, vol. 23(6), Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017, pp. 1270-1289

Articles on strategic purchasing and supply chain management

What is the right purchasing strategy for your company? The fit between strategic intent, strategic purchasing and perceived environmental uncertainty

A.S. Patrucco, D. Luzzini, D. Krause, A.M. Moretto

International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Elsevier

The role of absorptive capacity and big data analytics in strategic purchasing and supply chain management decisions

Andrea S. Patrucco, Giacomo Marzi, Daniel Trabucchi

Technovation, vol. 126(August 2023), 2023, p. 102814

Designing circular supply chains in start-up companies: evidence from Italian fashion and construction start-ups

Ciccullo F., Pero M., Patrucco A.S.

International Journal of Logistics Management, vol. 34(3), Elsevier, 2023, pp. 553-581

The role of absorptive capacity and big data analytics in strategic purchasing and supply chain management decisions

A. S. Patrucco, G. Marzi, D. Trabucchi

Technovation, vol. 126(August 2023), 2023, p. 102814

Purchasing realized absorptive capacity as the gateway to sustainable supply chain management

R. Di Francesco, D. Luzzini, A. S. Patrucco

International Journal of Operations and Production Management, vol. 42(5), 2022, pp. 603-636

A purchasing and supply management view of supply resilience for better crisis response

A. Kähkönen, A. S. Patrucco

Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, vol. 28(5), Elsevier, 2022, p. 100803

Future business and the role of purchasing and supply management: Opportunities for ‘business-not-as-usual’PSM research

Louise Knight, Wendy Tate, Steven Carnovale, Carmela Di Mauro, Lydia Bals, Federico Caniato, Jury Gualandris, Thomas Johnsen, Aristides Matopoulos, Joanne Meehan, others

Journal of purchasing and supply management, vol. 28, Pergamon, 2022, p. 100753

Can you grow your supply chain without skills? The role of human resource management for better supply chain management in Latin America

Andrea Stefano Patrucco, Liliana Rivera, Christopher Mej{\'\i}a-Argueta, Yossi Sheffi

The International Journal of Logistics Management, vol. 33(1), Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022, pp. 53-78

Agility, adaptability, and alignment: new capabilities for PSM in a post-pandemic world

Andrea S Patrucco, Anni-Kaisa Kahkonen

Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, vol. 27, Elsevier, 2021, p. 100719

Dynamic capabilities in the “new normal”: A study of organizational flexibility, integration and agility in the Peruvian coffee supply chain

Edgar Ramos, Andrea S Patrucco, Melissa Chavez

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021

The dynamics of reshoring decisions and the role of purchasing

Antonella Moretto, Andrea Stefano Patrucco, Christine Mary Harland

International Journal of Production Research, vol. 58(19), Taylor \& Francis, 2020, pp. 5929-5944

Industry 4.0 and supply chain process re-engineering: A coproduction study of materials management in construction

Andrea Patrucco, Federica Ciccullo, Margherita Pero

Business Process Management Journal, vol. 26(5), Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020, pp. 1093-1119

The value of supply chain integration in the Latin American agri-food industry: trust, commitment and performance outcomes

Manuel Jesus Ramirez, Ivonne Eliany Roman, Edgar Ramos, Andrea Stefano Patrucco

The International Journal of Logistics Management, vol. 32(1), Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020, pp. 281-301

Increasing the effectiveness of procurement decisions: The value of big data in the procurement process

Antonella Moretto, Stefano Ronchi, Andrea S Patrucco

International Journal of RF Technologies, vol. 8(3), IOS Press, 2017, pp. 79--103

Risks and governance modes in offshoring decisions: linking supply chain management and international business perspectives

Andrea S Patrucco, Vittoria G Scalera, Davide Luzzini

Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, vol. 17(3), Taylor & Francis, 2016, pp. 170-182

Articles on project management

How do Scrum Methodologies Influence the Team's Cultural Values? A Multiple Case Study on Agile Teams in Nonsoftware Industries

Andrea S Patrucco, Filomena Canterino, Inga Minelgaite

IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, IEEE, 2022

Managing the hybrid organization: How can agile and traditional project management coexist?

Federico P Zasa, Andrea Patrucco, Elena Pellizzoni

Research-Technology Management, vol. 64(1), Routledge, 2020, pp. 54--63

Developing software beyond customer needs and plans: An exploratory study of its forms and individual-level drivers

Mattia Bianchi, Giacomo Marzi, Lamberto Zollo, Andrea Patrucco

International Journal of Production Research, vol. 57, Taylor \& Francis, 2019, pp. 7189-7208

Articles on business model innovation and innovation policies

Technology-enabled multi-sided platforms in B2B relationships: A critical analysis and directions for future research

Andrea S. Patrucco, Daniel Trabucchi, Tommaso Buganza, Laurent Muzellec, Sébastien Ronteau

Industrial Marketing Management, 2024

Policies to Stimulate Industrial Innovation by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Lessons Learned from the Public Procurement of Innovation during Emergencies

Andrea S Patrucco, Ana-Maria Dimand, Désirée U Klingler

European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, vol. 18(1), Lexxion the legal publisher, 2023, pp. 65-76

Is transparency the new green? How business model transparency influences digital service adoption

Trabucchi D., Patrucco A.S., Buganza T., G. Marzi

Technovation, vol. 126(August 2023), Elsevier, 2023, p. 102803

The impact of Covid-19 on innovation policies promoting Open Innovation

Andrea S Patrucco, Daniel Trabucchi, Federico Frattini, Jane Lynch

R\&D Management, vol. 52, 2022, pp. 273--293

Business models in the search for efficiency: the case of public financial intermediaries

Martina Santandrea, Tommaso Agasisti, Marco Giorgino, Andrea S Patrucco

Public Money & Management, vol. 38(3), Routledge, 2018, pp. 234-243

Articles on education and learning

The Value of Data-driven Category Management: A Case for Teaching Data Analytics to Purchasing and Supply Management Students

Andrea S. Patrucco, Tobias Schoenherr, Antonella Moretto

Transportation Journal, vol. 62(4), 2023, pp. 428-457

The Costs, Quality, and Scalability of Blended Learning in Postgraduate Management Education

Mara Soncin, Tommaso Agasisti, Federico Frattini, Andrea Patrucco, Margherita Pero

Journal of Management Education, vol. 46(6), SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA, 2022, pp. 1-34

The design process of corporate universities: a stakeholder approach

A. S. Patrucco, E. Pellizzoni, T. Buganza

Journal of Workplace Learning, vol. 29(4), Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017, pp. 204-218


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