
I am Andrea Patrucco and I am currently an Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management in the Department of Marketing and Logistics at Florida International University College of Business.
I graduated from Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and moved to the United States in 2017, where I was a faculty at the Pennsylvania State University.
My main research expertise is in the area of buyer-supplier relationship management in both the private and public sectors.
My main passion is, indeed, public procurement! I am one of the academic leaders of the International Research Study on Public Procurement Research group and, over the years, I have helped several public organizations to better understand the role and value of procurement for public management. I am included in the list of public procurement experts of the Publications Office of the European Union. In the United States, I actively collaborate with the two most important public procurement organizations: NASPO - National Association of State Procurement Officers and NIGP: the institute for public procurement. 
In collaboration with other colleagues, I have contributed to realize several important research reports in relevant public procurement areas:
Here, you will find more information about my background and research interests, my current research projects, my publications, my teaching activities, and my community building/engagement and outreach activities.

For collaborations or more information about my research and teaching, please feel free to contact me using the contact form!

Latest publications

What is the right purchasing strategy for your company? The fit between strategic intent, strategic purchasing and perceived environmental uncertainty

A.S. Patrucco, D. Luzzini, D. Krause, A.M. Moretto

International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Elsevier

Sustaining commitment in preferred buyer-supplier relationships: How to retain the ‘customer of choice’ status?

Andrea S. Patrucco, Tobias Schoenherr, Antonella Moretto

International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 270(April 2024), 2024, p. 109165

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Lates blogposts

Jun 3, 2024

Leveraging Big Data and Absorptive Capacity in Strategic Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

In the modern Supply Chain Management (SCM), the integration of advanced technologies and data-driven strategies is essential for maintaining a competitive edge. One of the most transformative elements in this arena is the use of Big Data Analytics (BD...

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May 7, 2024

How to avoid desk rejection when submitting your paper to an SCM journal?

As an academic, the experience of manuscript rejection is a familiar and often disheartening part of the journey.  The editorial published by Russo and Wong (2024), EIC for IJPDLM, titled "Navigating Excellence: Understanding and Overcoming Common Caus...

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Apr 1, 2024

The importance of green supply chain management and circular economy practices

In today's markets, the integration of sustainable practices within supply chain management (SCM) is no longer a choice but a necessity. Two critical concepts leading this transformation are Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) and the Circular Economy...

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Current Projects

The use of Artificial Intelligence in the public procurement process

This project aims to study how artificial intelligence in public procurement can help to improve public service delivery and customer experience

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in government contracts

This project aims to discover ways through which government organizations can support small and disadvantaged businesses in procurement contracts

The intersection between supply chain management and project management

This project analyzes how supply chains incorporate project management issues into their strategies

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Andrea S. Patrucco

Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management

(305) 348-5044

Department of Marketing and Logistics

College of Business - Florida International University

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 344B
Miami, FL 33199


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