Editorial Responsibilities

I review for several Supply Chain, Operations Management, and Public Management journals, and, since  2014, I reviewed over 150 manuscripts. 
I serve as 
I also sit on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications and the Emerging Markets Case Study Journal.

Over the years, I have also handled several special issues as a Guest Editor.

Open Special Issues and Article Collections:

Special Issues and Article Collections in progress:
Published Special Issues and Article Collections:
  • For Public Management Review, I handled the special issue "Strategic Public Procurement: a public management perspective." The article collection is closed! It includes 5 awesome contributions that describe how public procurement can be strategically used to achieve policy objectives. The introductory article, that conceptualizes strategic public procurement and presents the special issue, can be accessed at this link.
  • For Industrial Marketing Management, I handled the special issue "Technology-enabled multi-sided platforms in B2B settings: challenges and opportunities for supply chain ecosystems" The final VSI is finally closed and out and can be accessed at this link! and it includes 8 papers that advance the understanding of platform use and benefits to manage supply chain relationships.
  • For the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, I handled the double special issue "PSM learning from the pandemic: transforming for better crisis management." The special issue is composed of two volumes: 
    • One with viewpoint article collection that was published in 2021, and can be accessed at this link
    • One with research article collection and can be accessed at this link.
  • For the Journal of Public Procurement, I handled the special issue "Public procurement as a government policy lever." The special issue is closed and was published in Volume 21, Issue 3 of the journal.

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